New "Head" Cassette from Yek Koo - Available March 17, 2017 From Bandcamp


Jarring unruly irregular rhythms colliding within mental and physical spaces,

Body movements imagined in each heard breathe and tap, tapping within the intervals between what the ears hears and what the mind alters,

The silent pauses and gestures of motion un-recordable, in unidentified spaces in broken time over the span of twelve years,

This is YEK KOO, crossing the terrain between visual and poetic performance between space, body, microphone, and breathe, horn exclamations and sparse rhythms moving within and against the physicality of space and matter.

Head Cassette:

It is near impossible to musically experience Helga Fassonaki as Yek Koo without losing one’s breath in sensory amazement. It’s an addictive whole-body movement that involves a multitude of listens with each repetition being a completely different encounter. As such, every new Yek Koo release is a jubilant excursion of the new and un-chartered.

On her new cassette, appropriately titled Head, Fassonaki provides recorded excerpts from her live Yek Koo performances between 2014 and 2015. Within each piece showcased, beats don’t move but push forwards and backwards through cassette players where they are then rerecorded, deleted, or otherwise. Diminished layers of hissing dance intercept with horn notation and haunting vocals in a dirty reverberation. Lost throughout the recordings are body movements brushing against the airwaves and distorting the sound source. It’s physical for definite and absolutely essential.

Head is available as a limited edition cassette. An unlimited digital release is also available.

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Author: Jeff Kuykendall